Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Meet Amy and Lily

Well, here I am with Amy and her daugher Lily. Amy, her husband and their 3 children came down here to Santa Cruz to be missionaries with SAMAIR about eight months ago. David, Amy's husband, is an airplane mechanic. He works on the airplane that will take me to San Fernando FRIDAY MORNING! YES, FRIDAY MORNING! GREG WANTS TO LEAVE BRIGHT AND EARLY!!!!! I WILL GIVE HIM MOST OF THE REST OF MY BAGS OF THINGS ON WEDNESDAY.  THAT'S TOMORROW! He wants to pack the airplane on Thursday, so Friday morning all we have to do is get in and go. AUH! HERE IT IS!!!!! I'M ALMOST THERE! In the last month I've had the opportunity to visit San Fernando. But THIS time when I fly in,  I will not be flying out again in a day or so. Yes, someone asked me recently about how I will feel when Greg, the SAMAIR missionary, pilot flies out... and Jimena and I stay...Yes, I'm bound to feel something. I'll let you know in a few months when I come back to civilization and "internet land"... WHICH BRINGS ME BACK TO AMY! She is going to update my blog for me!!!! I will radio in to the airport mission hangar and check in once a day with the hangar guys, but once a week Amy will come to the hangar in Santa Cruz to talk to me. And then she will update this blog accordingly. I NEED YOU TO READ THIS AND PRAY FOR ME! I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS. YOU ARE SUCH A HUGE PART IN THIS!!!!!!! PRAYER IS REAL AND I NEED IT.

Thank you for your prayers as I run around and buy what I have to buy and visit who I have to visit.
Today I bought a lot of medicine that the town of San Fernando may need for emergencies. Tomorrow I have to go buy more. (All advised by my missionary doctor friends.)

God is faithful.  Let's rest in him.


  1. Praying, dear one. Love you.

  2. Katie - have a safe trip! The whole church knows to pray for you and Jimena on Friday. Your team here will be meeting Saturday morning to lift you up too!
    Remember King Jesus says, "I am with you"
    ---Pastor Peter
