This morning I was able to Skype with Dana Wilson, South America Mission Missionary to Santa Cruz Bolivia for 11 years, and one of my best friends in Bolivia! It was raining there today. January to April is the rainy season in Bolivia. There is usally flooding to some extent in northern, central and eastern Bolivia. When it rains... it down poors and life in very complicated in Santa Cruz... I remember not being able to get in to school on time a few days last year. Busses don't stop, and taxi's don't run, or are very late to come to your house.

Two nights ago I talked shortly to the South America Mission pilot, Greg Dahl about life and ministery. He tells me when it rains out in San Fernando things are more blique. They can not get out. The only road to the nearest small city, that supplies them with daily necesities, is flooded. Every year it floods. They need food. They want rice and floor, and the basics. I wonder if they even have matches. He has been unable to fly out there for different reasons. When I am living in San Fernando my ministery funds I raised... you helped to raise, will pay for monthly flights, and hopefully that will help the town as well. I don't know how it will all work as far as Greg flying food in. I know there is a little shop, and a man who first buys things then sells to the people... but Greg tells me he marks things way up, and doesn't like to pay Greg to fly in. So he is crooked... Well, this man is making money. Greg says this happens every year. Rainy season comes and they don't have any food. He questions them as to why they can't store it up and prepare for rainy season. Well, I guess I will find out. Pray for people in San Fernando. Pray for another missionary pilot to come and help fly with Greg. Usally there are two are three missionary pilots, now there is only one.

Last weekend I spoke at Skaneateles First Baptist Church. But more then speaking, I listened to the advice and stories of the Cochran Family. They pastor that church, but before that spent 20 years in Venezuela as missionaries in the bush, with New Tribes Mission. They had so many stories and pieces of advice that I am holding on to. I feel like I'm going back in time to move out in San Fernando. But yet, I also feel like I'm pioneering too. AND I'M NOT EVEN OUT IN SAN FERNANDO YET. I am sitting in the lovely home of my Mom and Step Father in Clay New York, very comfortably.
Oh God give me wisdom. Lead me in this venture to live in San Fernando and encourage the Christians and build the Church. God let me glorify you in all things. I know this is not going to be easy. And honestly I do see it as an adventure, but God let me not just see problems and challenges of living, let me hear your voice and reach people who you love, dispite the cost to my comfort. Let my motives be pure. God I want to be faithful and to reach out to people you love. Help me as I prepare. I am greatful for my family here in the United States. I am blessed. Help me go bless others, in Bolivia, people isolated from the world. God show me what I NEED from the states, and what I do not need.... solar panels, a pressure cooker, vitamens??? God lead me, I desire to glorify your name. Help me tonight, and tomorrow, to bring your name praise in the Heavens, with my thoughts and things I do. Help me be faithful with the small things.
preparation and prayer
(These 2 pictures are from a 2 week long ministery trip in northern Bolivia. In the first Dana and I were checking something we were given for our trip. In this second one, this man is a Military/Naval Capton who we found and he invited us onto his naval base. He was a Christian. He told us about much spiritual oppression, and solgers hearing and seeing things that did not exist. We prayed over him and his site in June 2008)
preparation and prayer matter, in all things big and small.
Hi Katie, Just found your blog from your link on facebook. Looking forward to following you and meeting you soon.