Monday, March 29, 2010


It's completely amazing really. I was shocked to get the phone call last Sunday morning. One of my long time supporters called. His friend is able to support me for my remaining $400 a month need I had, for the next two years. Wow. Unreal. I did ask God to amaze me. And here I am. Amazed. Some one else said lately to me, I should not be shocked though, because I knew God was going to provide. But really I am in shock. How God calls all those to participate in the great mission. God does provide. Last night I was driving "home" from Ithaca to Syracuse in the rain, in the dark, on the highway, fastish... and I thought... how God not only provides for me but protects me. What a great Heavenly Father I have. I am blessed. God is holding me, protecting me, and showing me the path He wants me on.

Back to Bolivia, April 20th. To Santa Cruz to reconnect with so many missionaries and Bolivian brothers and sisters. I will plan for ministery in San Fernando, and get to know Cristina Gutierrez my co-missionary friend who will go out to San Fernando with me. God Thank you for all that you provide.

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