Friday, October 1, 2010

Radio Talk

Today I had an opportunity to chat a bit with Katie. It was nice since we the last time we talked she was here at my house. Here is a little overview of what we shared
  • The cat is doing well and enjoys being wherever Katie is
  • Jimena seems content and helps bring the youth to the church
  • Dina is teaching the youth service, a women's discipleship class on Tuesdays, and the children's meetings.
  • This allows Katie to concentrate on teaching Wednesday evenings and both services on Sunday
  • Bella is going to start opening the services and lead singing and Katie hopes that she will also teach at times.
  • This Tuesday there will be a town meeting which includes people from outside the town.  Pray for this as a possible outreach/ community involvement time.
  • She is back into a routine.  Living there allows her to go to bed earlier and rise earlier.
  • Dina is using the stone stove and it is working well. 
  • They have a nice rotation going with cleaning and cooking.
  • Team devotions began this past Monday where each person takes a turn leading after lunch.
  • Prayer Requests include health, joy, and team unity.
She sounded happy and busy!
Blessings to you,

1 comment:

  1. Amy, Thank you again for keeping us posted on Katie's life.
    Praying for you, too.
