Friday, October 22, 2010

Note From Katie from Oct.11TH

This came to my inbox this morning and so I am passing it on to you.  Katie sent this back with Greg.

Monday October 11, 2010 - 9 P.M.

Hello Mom, friends and family,

It’s been a quiet few days, as my team mates have been out of town. They left Wednesday October 6, in the afternoon, and are not back yet. I think they will come “home” late this evening or tomorrow . I was hoping to travel to the city of San Matias with them to help Dina get another x-ray of her arm (and enjoy the Internet and phones) but there didn’t end up being room for 3, only 2 to travel. So I chose to stay here in San Fernando. That Tuesday and Wednesday there were town meetings all day with officials from San Matias and Santa Cruz about the needs of not only San Fernando but also 4 other villages in this region of eastern Bolivia. I was told that these meetings were the FIRST of their kind to happen! San Fernando and these other villages are very primitive and isolated, and they are ready for change. The largest concern and plea is for a good road! Six months out of the year the roads are impassable. Life is very hard for people in rainy season. Heath and water were also concerns. The need for doctors is huge. There is a town nurse here, PRAISE GOD, but he is limited in his knowledge and ability. I have helped a few people, but I am far from being a doctor. The concern for water is with the town water tank, it’s plastic and has a crack, so it leaks. Also the town motor that runs a few times a day to pump the water to the extremities of this pipes (which are not very far) is old and has been failing. The other issue presented from the people of San Fernando to these authorities was about education. Currently the school is first grade through eighth grade. And students that want to continue to study have to go to San Matias which is 5 hours away in the dry season, or go to a boarding school with is also about 5 hours away in the other direction. The director of the school is asking if they can start 9Th grade, and have more teachers. A lot of youth are not able to leave to study because they need to help their families with taking care of their land. The meetings went very well, PRAISE GOD again! Pray for help in San Fernando. And that the people would thank GOD when change comes. This next week starting October 18Th, there will be a group in San Fernando to educated the people about the natural resources around them, to help they value what they have. The bird life really is amazing! There is a hope that the people of San Fernando would get a vision for tourism, which would bring income into the village.

There is also a company coming to present a business venture to the people of San Fernando. In our river there are always lots of crocodile, and this company wants to buy crocodile eggs. Pray for San Fernandos economics and I hope you are praying for their spiritual well being.

This Friday Greg is flying in with 5 other people to see me! I really looking forward to their visit. He will give this, via flash drive, to Amy, and she will put in on my blog FOR YOU TO READ.

Well, friends, more tomorrow.

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