Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hi Friends.

Yesterday after my morning was spent with a missionary doctor talking about possible illnesses and other things I need to know about country living ;-)....I went to buy a few big things. I bought my two-burner gas stove-top and gas tank, $69.  Those will not be for every day use. I also bought my foam mattress, $35. It is thicker than something you would take camping, but it can fold in the middle and is not as heavy as any other normal mattress.

 Today I picked up the rectangle-iron-top with two round openings that will be built into my mud stove to cook on top of. That was $50!!!!! I guess iron is expensive. I also bought A HAMMOCK,$40! It's mostly off white, but has thin orange and yellow lines woven in; it is bright and happy. After walking around the biggest market in Santa Cruz today I finally found a kitchen table cloth I like. It has a white background, with large orange, yellow and bright green flowers with bright green leaves! I could not help but get orange place mats, knowing that most of my plates and other kitchen things are BRIGHT GREEN, as well as the coffee cups ;-) I didn't know I liked orange until... yesterday. It goes well with bright green, white and yellow ;-). In my past rooms/ apartments that I have lived in, I have always surrounded myself with things that transmit peace, harmony, and joy. I have never had such a colorful collection of things as I do now ;-) But I have never lived in the woods, with a dirt floor in my kitchen ;-) So with my color choice and attitude I choose JOY!  For the Joy of the Lord is my strength. And I can not wait until our kitchen is all together, so that Jimena and I can have women over. Our purpose is the bless others. What is your purpose?

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of all your new colorful things! They will go just great with a dirt floor! Thanks for sharing the photo, all all your thoughts, of course. Love, Mom
