Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I JUST TALKED WITH CRISTINA GUTIERREZ ON THE PHONE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR, I'm sure that really was not cheep. Sorry Mom. I should pay for that. BUT, it was SO good to finally connect with her. PRAISE GOD. Yes, she is great. She sounds grounded. Like not exciteable like me, but solid. I think she is really pure Gold. She is 32 years old, 33 in April. She is so involved in ministry and her seminary classes sound awesome. And though her heart broke 3 years ago, as her husband left her, she continued with following God and His call on her life! AMAZING! But so hard. She works for COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL during the week, it's ministry, but it's a paying job as well. And in the evening she takes an hour or so bus ride in to Santa Cruz for Seminary classes. And in church she is the director of the Sunday School program at her Baptist church! Wow, HOW THRILLING THAT SHE FEELS CALLED TO SAN FERNANDO! SHE WENT LAST YEAR IN APRIL FOR A FEW DAYS.  And she wants to go back. I have a feeling we are going to balance each other out. PRAY FOR CHRISTINA. PRAY FOR HER AS SHE IS SOOOOO BUSY. EVERY NIGHT, AND DAY WITH LITTLE TIME TO BREATHE. SHE IS POORING HER SELF OUT. San Fernando will be breathing time for her. She lives alone, so at home there is much time to think... maybe that's the house where she lived with her husband. Pray for her heart. maybe.... pray for a miracle, pray for him, who ever he is where ever he is. And pray for God's perfect timing.

Ok. thanks friends.

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