Thursday, August 18, 2011

August in the Village


Breathing in the thick air down by the river, everything felt and smelled so different. We had walked for nearly an hour or so to arrive at the desired location for the day's outing with nearly all the school kids and teachers. A “day by the river” makes me think of hours I spent down by the water at Northwestern College; or days I spent on “The Island” after my senior year, the summer before I did my student teaching there in Minnesota. There were large expanses of well-kept soft grass. Occasionally another student would quietly wander past as I read, or as I just looked out to enjoy the water…. This is such is different world.

There were many low palm trees, short and wide...and no grass.  Kids scurried around to cut palm braches down to make their day's hut.  I learned to weave palms together to make a wall.

I shared the day with a sweet group of 10 and 11 year-old girls.

That evening the church was packed out.  It was Wednesday night, PRAYER SERVICE… also I was going to show all the pictures I took that day on our outing. I did start with the pictures…. Then said I would show them again at the end.  My prayer focus that evening was Romans 10:1, that they would be saved. I stepped through the steps of understanding and receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. God knows who responded to that prayer. 

Pray that their eyes be opened to the TRUTH, and they would seek it.

Pray for a National couple to appear out of the wood-work who can lead the church.  It has to be a couple from outside the village.  No couple here is nearly spiritually ready to lead a church.   PRAY FOR A TRAINED PASTOR WITH A MISSIONARY HEART. My commitment here is for two years.  I have one year left. 

DINA JUST FLEW IN TODAY!  PRAISE GOD. She will be here with me until December.

JULIA has been staying with me for this past month. She is a 17 year old girl from another small town.  She is going to school here, and it is  working out wonderfully! Pray for her too.  She is not a Christian YET.

Julia and I made cake in my mud oven for our guests! I have to admit, it is WAY better than any cake I’ve eaten in the States! I just had another piece as I’m writing this blog entery late Thursday night, Aug. 11.  Greg, Dina and Ken and Bonnie Lake arrived today and they will leave tomorrow.  DINA STAYS.

Have you memorized a Scripture verse today?
Have you shared the joy and reason you live with anyone this week?

Rest in God, in his Grace, hear His voice, seek His face,
But run as to win the prize too, with the wind in your hair,
and your eyes alone on Him who called you! 

Your fellow servant of Christ Jesus our only reason,
Katie Wells    

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