Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just stopping in for a very short update. I went to the hanger last Wednesday to try and connect with Katie and we could not make contact at that time, so I have not personally talked to her since she left Santa Cruz.  However, my husband did let me know that she was asking for prayer. 

There are lots of mosquitoes in San Fernando now and it is Dengue Fever season. Please keep them in your prayers as she and Beth seek to stay healthy. Greg recently contacted Dengue and just yesterday was released from the hospital and another missionary, Jason, has it as well. For that matter, please keep all the SAM Bolivia missionaries in your prayers.

Katie will be coming in next week for our annual field conference so I am sure she will have some updates for you herself very soon.  Her mother is coming down to visit and help with conference. We look forward to meeting her and I am sure it will be a welcomed encouragement to Katie.

Keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    This is Paul Honess, Beth's dad and a fan of yours. I am going to see my son, Chris ( in Santa Cruz on 2/7 thru 2/15. He is planning to stay with a Vineyard Church a month or more. Do you suppose I could run into you while in the country? I don't know what Chris has planned for me, so I'm just wondering.
