Friday, December 3, 2010

A Very Short Chat

So, I got to the hanger with plenty of time to connect with Katie before my kids had to be at art class.  Unfortunately, the radio cut out long before we would have been finished.  I felt like we had just scratched the surface.  I even waited a bit to see if the radio would  revive, but to no avail.

This is what I did learn ...
  • Katie and her roommates were in the process of using the mud oven for the first time.  Cake was being baked.
  • She found hydrocortisone cream hiding in her apartment and was excited.
  • The mosquitoes are alive and well and incense seems to keep them away.
  • and most important...
Yesterday she met with Candlearia (I have no clue how she spells her name), whom she meets with weekly.  They have been studying Romans and the nature of sin.  During this weeks talk, she asked her if she wanted to pray to accept Jesus to be her Savior and she said yes!  They did not end up praying right then as Katie was sensing some nervousness and did not want her to feel pressured, but shared how to pray when alone and plans to follow up.  Please pray for her and Katie as they continue to meet.

and that was all that I got from our talk, but I do know that...

There is a team coming (actually they should be there now) of YWAM young people being flown in by Greg. They will be there this next week helping serve San Fernando with Katie, Dina, and Jimena.

Also, Katie is planning on coming back to Santa Cruz on December 9TH or 10TH and will be able to reconnect and share first hand some of her stories. I know that you will look forward to hearing from her directly and in the meantime, why not fill her inbox with emails and messages!

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