Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life in San Fernando

In October we had a visiting Pastor come with a group of 19 youth from a small village 5 hours south of us. They were an amazing encouragement to us, and to the people of San Fernando.
Some of my art students in 5th and 6th grade.
After a short time, Jimena and I were comfortable "driving" horses.
Fernando James Kitty......  or just Kitty, for short. He is 7 months old.

The man in the middle is Hernan. His house is behind him in this picture. He and his family live across the road.  They are Believers and are a great encouragement to us. We disciple him and his wife to be stronger in the faith so maybe some day he can lead the church. The man with the dark shirt is Don. Lucho. He is not a Believer, but is a friend to a man who has done some construction for us. The man in the orange shirt is Don. Tingo.  He lives in Santa Cruz, but visits San Fernando when possible.

Dina really suffered with that cast. And here is Jimena with a neighbor boy.
Hermana Bella, leader of the church, and her grandson.

More pictures another day.

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