Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sunny's Chat With Katie on Monday (11/15)

I just recieved this email from Sunny.  Bless her for being so detailed and helping to keep you all informed.  Thank you, Sunny

I had the privilege of talking to Katie on Monday and I´d like to pass on what she said:

"It´s sosososo good to have Dina back, wonderful, wonderful"- those of us who know Katie I´m sure can hear her saying that - I´ll try to put below a couple of expressions that she uses and as much as possible put it in the words she said:

It´s a huge praise to have Dina back - she´s got so much humor, is so positive, wise, gives me perspective, keeps me on track and is always looking for ways to disciple and teach others.   I´m really thankful she gets up early and stays up a little later and helps around the house - kind of keeps the same hours I do.  She´s also now my jogging/walking partner...we walk more than jog right now...and that gives us a chance to talk about things and pray together about things.  I love our walks...the other day we saw monkeys.

My garden´s growing, looks great, I´ve got these cute beans and some cucumber thingies that Jason gave me.

For the Romans study, we´re moving on from Romans 3 to 4.

I have a really encouraging basic "tenets of the Bible" Bible study with Candelaria and her family.  We´re studying the Bible and memorizing basic verses together once a week.  She puts the verses up on her wall.  The other day her son came to church here in San Fernando for the first time since I´ve been here, although from what he seemed to know about the Bible, he´d had contact with it all before.  Candelaria is one of the only ones who seems really eager to keep having these home Bible studies.  We´ve memorized John 3:16, Rom. 3:23, etc.  Candelaria goes to the Catholic mass on Sundays, but during the week comes to the church for meetings.

My fruits of the spirit mural in our kitchen is finished and it´s such a good reminder to me of what I need.  The other one in the church is close to done.  I keep adding things and people enjoy observing the new details I put in.  The other day I decided to fill it up with alligators and that big redneck (chuckle) bird with a black head (jabiru mycteria).  So the kids (and others) have fun with finding all the alligators, kind of like "Where´s Wally".  I tell them, "It may not look like it, but there are 11 alligators in there!''  I haven´t finished it yet not so much because of time, but I paint when the inspiration hits me, so I´m waiting for it to come again.

I´ve been reading through Jeremiah and I´m finally to chapter 17, which gives a relief from the doom and gloom of the previous chapters.  It was so good to read about the one who trusts in the Lord being like a tree by a stream of water that has something good in every season.
Dina´s involved in a women's Bible study every Tuesday afternoon and also disciples a couple - it´s so good to just sit back and watch that.

From talking with Dina:

Dina talked a bit, said she hasn´t had so much pain with her wrist, just at the end of the day, it can get kind of sore.  She has some physical therapy exercises to do, which she forgets to do some.  She asked for prayer for the women´s Bible study and for the discipleship she´s doing with the couple; it seems there are other couples who also are interested.  She also asked for prayer for the 3 of them, that they would support each  other and that they would be able to resist different temptations and keep each other in line. 

The radio started cutting out a lot, so we had to "hang up", but I think that´s the gist of what we talked about. 

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