Saturday, May 28, 2011


Tuesday 10th of May.
(sent to Santa Cruz on a flash drive.)

These last weeks have  flown! I’ve had so many visitors… I’ve been more visited, than unvisited… if that makes sense. I want to summarize a bit and give pictures of the last few weeks.

Dina and I in her room, here in SAN FERNANDO!!!! SHE ARRIVED Saturday May 7 with Greg. Thank you for your prayers!!!! Her church in Santa Cruz is financially supporting her 100%! And she only owes a little bit more on her Seminary loan! Her commitment in San Fernando is until December. I am praying God provides a Bolivian pastor and his family to replace us here. My official commitment is until next June 2012. If God provides a pastor to fill my place, I’m sure God will show me where to jump next.

On Sunday May 8th,  I wanted a picture with these cute little girls in our dresses who came to church Sunday morning, along with my friend Ramona. Her daughter is in front of her, and her niece is in front of me. Her one year old daughter died on April 21st! It was a shock, and horribly sad. The baby had been sick, but I didn’t know how sick.
DINA arrived in the morning, May 7th, and in the evening she was teaching the Youth service! PRAISE GOD DINA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

THESE ARE THE ONLY FLOATY TOYS IN SAN FERNANDO, THAT IS FOR SURE. When it’s hot there is no better place to be than playing in the river! This is the only kind of cell phone that works in San Fernando!

Walt Pafford (no photo), a SAM missionary, and his wife Sindi, live in Santa Cruz and take care of the SAM Guest house.  He worked more than 25 years with construction in North Carolina, and though San Fernando and North Carolina are a bit different, Walt has been a big help in giving us direction for finishing the construction of the church. He was here with Jason & Jenna Weigner and Greg May 2-4th.

Jason and Jenna are from SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, and are also SAM missionaries! Such a small world. He is a professional agronomer, who came with many plants and clippings and seeds to not only give me, but PLANT! THIS IS ONE OF THE MANY PLANTS HE GAVE ME.   HE ALSO MADE ME A NEW GARDEN CLOSER TO THE HOUSE AND THE WATER SOURCE, AND IN A PLACE WITH BETTER SOIL AND MORE SHADE!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!! I am SO blessed!

This is Greg Dahl, the SAMAIR pilot.  Not only does he fly, but he weed whips. It’s an electric weed whipper he brought me.  Our electricity is solar power, so I guess you could say it’s a solar-powered weed whipper! WHAT IS BETTER THAN THAT??? Oh, the bags on his ankles were his idea to not get his khakis grass stained.

Dona Manuela was sure happy to get new glasses! Now she can sew again! What a gift!

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