Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Problem with Being Determined

Note from Katie (sent in via USB)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 3:41p.m.

From the last time I wrote, I feel like the conclusion was basically that prayer is good and necessary… and needs to be constant.

It had been months since I had visited the two families on the other side of the river. They have the canoe, so they need to be with me to cross, or I need to go down to the bank and yell. I asked Paola how to yell; I knew there must be a special way. She could not accompany me because she had classes in the afternoon. The way to yell is “WHOOOOOOOOOOOO”.
 I saw the younger couple on Sunday in the “town” and they asked when I was going to come over. In the dry season when we could walk across, I went often to visit them and their aging parents, whom I truly enjoy and respect. Soooo, today I determined would be my day to pack my little bag of things they might need… Ibuprofen and new glasses and since it looked like it could rain I grabbed my umbrella. I locked up the church and went on my way. There is a longer way to go on the main town road, or a little path behind the church.  I took the little path, which is mostly used by cows. I didn’t pray about going; I just went. I didn’t stop to seek God first. Sure, this morning I prayed that God would lead me to go where he wanted me to go, but I HAD PLANNED to cross the river today. Well, I got down to the bank and my “WHOOOO” worked.  I saw a little person very far off, up on the other bank but way back in by their house.  They “whooooo”ed back, I “whooooo”ed again, so I guess I made contact. As I waited for them to come down…far-off thunder got louder and louder and the wind picked up. There was a window of time that someone could have come and got me and I could have spent the afternoon with them…. But my very-pregnant friend who I finally saw on the other side up on the bank waved but didn’t go down to the canoe… She was too far away to yell any actually words like “ Tomorrow”.  As I turned around to head back to the church, up the path, the rain started. Soon my little path was a little stream. The wet weeds that were across the path plastered my old thin blue jeans to my legs. My umbrella helped some to keep the rest of me dry. If I prayed about going first before I set off, would I have sensed God leading me not to go? I may have gone back to Hermana Bella's house.

I went over to Bella's for a lite dinner last night, with hopes of afterwards learning more songs she knows, so that I can sing them in church.  We had a nice visit, but the mosquitos were too bad, and the lack of light was not condusive to anything else but eating together and talking a little while. Bella is the oldest believer in the church, and is seen as the church leader. I came to San Fernando to help her, and the church. I believe we have been effective here, strengthening the believers and evangelizing the rest of the town. I realize lasting change does not come quickly.

The last few weeks I have had the wonderful privilege of giving people SIGHT! In the church services I always talk about “spiritual sight” when we sing the song “Open the eyes of my heart Lord”. Well, I can not open their spiritual eyes--that is only between them and God, but I can give them GLASSES!

I have enjoyed helping the SLOW stream of people who have come to my house. First it was 3 of the 4 ladies who are believers in the Monday/Friday discipleship class on The Doctrines of Salvation. I love when they come to study:  they all have their glasses on, and every one can read. They are all in their 40’s. Candelaria, a women I’ve been reaching out to came to get reading glasses on Sunday SO WE CAN STUDY THE BIBLE TOGETHER. What is better than that??? Nothing. It is so fun to find the right "number" of prescription that helps them see the best. Yesterday another four ladies came because the word is getting around, and I have plenty of reading glasses to go around.  THANK YOU TO SO MANY WONDERFUL FOLKS LIKE YOU WHO SENT THESE GLASSES DOWN! Those four ladies are not believers and not in any of my Bible studies, but I know them, and have visited with them in their homes. After they got glasses which fit them, I prayed for them. It was nice. God will speak to their hearts in his time. This morning Paola’s Aunt Crespa (which is really her nick name, I don’t know her real name… Crespa means curly.  Yes her hair is VERY curly ;-)  ) and her Uncle Pepe came to get glasses. It really is a joyful thing helping someone SEE! I have two sight tests:   reading the Bible, Psalm 27; and the ladies thread a needle. I pray God blesses them all, and they in return bless him with lives that honor him.  It’s all in God’s perfect timing as to when people truly turn from pleasing themselves, to truly living for God.

After living with Paola for a month now, and having daily devotions from Psalm 139 and Joshua 1:9, just this morning I got talking about how we can have two birthdays, by being “born again” and what that means. Also I explained why the evangelical church and I believe in adult baptism. Paola’s cousin Elaina was with us this morning for breakfast and devotions. I’ve gone with them both to a few evening Mass services in the Catholic church, out of curiosity. I am very glad I went.  Every child is baptized in the catholic church, most children of San Fernando know what to do in the Masses. Through recited prayers they have asked for their sins to be forgiven MANY times. With the exception of the 4 families of believers, all of the adults, youth and  children who come to our church services also go to Mass.  What are they thinking? Are some starting to see, know, and feel the difference? Pray for THE HOLY SPIRIT TO SPEAK TO QUESTIONING HEARTS AND MINDS:  that the truth would be clear. I need more Bibles. Everyone wants a Bible in their home. It is great. Through the grape vine I hear how people are changing.  It’s slow.

Ok the rain has stopped.  It’s 4:44 p.m.  I am going over to visit with Bella again. I would  LOVE to learn a new song and make guitar chords to go with it, so I can play and sing it in church. A new song to me, mind you, will be an old and comfortable song to them, a song which they all know.

 Oh, to be transparent, as you are praying for all that I have mentioned…please  also pray for my heart’s desire to be married. I know that must not be any surprise to you. In whatever direction God leads you to pray. I desire what God has for me. If that is to never marry, pray for contentment and joy if that is God’s perfect plan. Currently I am praying God would prepare me to be the best wife and mother possible. I have loved having Paola in my house this last month. It has been good "mother practice". I also pray God is preparing my husband… if indeed he exists ;-) God’s timing is perfect.

Walking in Faith together.

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you Katie and all the wonderful things you are doing. I am so proud of you, and God is too :)
