Monday, April 18, 2011

All-Surpassing Power

March 13th, 2011 Sunday night, 10.28pm
2 Corinthians 4.17
“We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this ALL-SURPASSING POWER is from God and not from us.”

When I stop and think about who I am; my natural bent, my preoccupations, the disorder of my mind and my the lack of knowledge, as well as my “not-married ness” I think WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT DO I HAVE TO GIVE??? I AM A MESS. THERE ARE SO MANY MORE PEOPLE WAY MORE CAPABLE THAN I AM WHO COULD DO A BETTER JOB THAN I AM HERE. A MAN WOULD DO ALL OF THIS WAY BETTER THAN I COULD. A BOLIVIAN COUPLE WOULD REALLY BE BEST!

My solace is found in GOD. He brought me here. He made me on purpose. It is part of HIS PERFECT PLAN THAT I’M NOT MARRIED YET. He equips me in His perfect time, to do what he wants me to. Being here in San Fernando is a HUGE responsibility! I AM THE MISSIONARY OF THE TOWN! AUH! THERE IS NO PASTOR! I TEACH THE BIBLE.  I don’t preach, I’m not a preacher ;-) but God has put this huge responsibility in my hands to TEACH 4 TIMES A WEEK IN CHURCH, AND to lead 2 discipleship groups, one of which is Believers from the church, the other with women from the village who want to know more about God.  I've also been given the responsibility of TEACHING ENGLISH, ART AND BIBLE IN THE SCHOOL!

This semester it looks like I will be teaching more than I have ever taught before. With much preparation, reading, studying and praying as well, I NEED THAT ALL-SURPASSING POWER that comes from GOD ALONE TO DO EVERY THING WELL. I am naturally a weak jar of clay, which most of the time feels like it didn’t retain much from its great college education.

But today GOD MOVED… and HAS BEEN MOVING! He is giving me enlightenment into understanding HIS WORD in order to teach it. He is clearing my thoughts, and making order out of my disorder. As I step out in faith, He is firming up the ground I walk on. He is speaking through me and people are turning to HIM! EVIL SPIRITS ARE LEAVING HOUSES THAT THEY HAVE DWELLED IN FOR YEARS!  Yet my faith is still so weak. I’m amazed when I hear that God is truly moving and changing people.




  1. Katie, We miss you terribly and are constantly praying for you! We praise God when we hear of all that He is doing in San Fernando. Thank you for your example and for your faithfulness. The other day we were driving and Elaina sighed and said "I want to go to Katie's House" "In San Fernando?" I asked..."Yeah, in San Fernando". Hold on Katie in a few years you may have a side kick. :)
